Monday, 5 July 2010

Mother Marie Alphonse of the Will of God, O.SS.R. (1869-2009)

Wonderful Propagatrix of the
Order of Redemptoristines
Post to mark the 140th Anniversary of her Holy Death
23 March 1869 - 23 March 2009
(First Posted on "Papa Stronsay Texts"0

The Servant of God, who was known in the world as Eugenie Gauvenet Dijon was born at Lorient on 22 January, 1793. Her father, Jean-Baptiste Gauvenet, a most distinguished man and remarkable magistrate had been advisor to the king of France. The Revolution having forced them to leave the country, the young Eugenie was formed in piety and the human sciences first in Mainz and then in Strasburg. Her family moved once more to Austria where she met the Venerable Father Joseph Passerat, C.SS.R. and took him as her spiritual director.

Having learnt that he wished to found the Order of nuns of the Most Holy Redeemer on their side of the Alps (i.e. outside of Italy), she made the offering of herself for this purpose. In order that she would drink in the spirit of the Order at its very source, she, in the company of Countess Antonie Welsersheimb was sent by Fr Passerat to the Redemptoristine Convent at Saint Agatha of the Goths (the former see of St Alphonsus).

They completed their novitiate and then journeyed to Rome where they were presented to Pope Gregory XVI by Cardinal Odescalchi. Thence they returned to Vienna via Loretto. From there their Order was spread to Austria, Belgium, France, Holland, Ireland, Spain and Canada.

Mother Marie Alphonse exchanged her mortal life for eternal joy at the Convent of Malines in Belgium on 23 March, 1869. †

“Do the bidding of the Good God and He will do yours”
Mother Marie Alphonse

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